Speculations Stir on the Structure of Upcoming Mass Effect Game

The upcoming Mass Effect game is currently one of the highly anticipated RPGs in the gaming world. Many gamers are immersed in the fantasy world of Baldur's Gate, but others are eagerly awaiting another space-themed blockbuster from BioWare.

A recent rumor has surfaced regarding the gameplay structure of the new Mass Effect game. Windows Central's Jez Corden has stated the game is not likely to feature an open-world format like its predecessor, Mass Effect: Andromeda but will return to the more structured gameplay style of the original trilogy.

"On the Xbox Two podcast, I mentioned that I've heard Mass Effect is leaving the open-world format and returning to its original format," he said. "I can't verify if this information is entirely accurate, but it's an industry rumor."

Undeniably, fans of the series have expressed a preference for the original trilogy as compared to the Andromeda spin-off. However, it would be interesting if the game, even with its linear format, provided more exploration opportunities. Perhaps offering variable approaches to missions, for instance. Currently, BioWare is focusing on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, with Mass Effect still in its early stages of production.